Call for Contribution | IACN Quarterly (September, 2024 Issue)


India Alternative Care Network (IACN) is calling for contributions to the 16th edition of IACN Quarterly. IACN believes that the exchange of learning, challenges and information, evidence, interventions, and insights will help us understand and learn the significant work happening on the issues of children without parental care or at risk of separation, and family-based care options for children across the country. 

If you are a practitioner, academician, researcher, civil society organization, or a funder and wish to share learning, information, interventions, case studies,  perspectives, and knowledge resources on children without parental care or at risk of separation, please write to us with your submission at on or before 30th August 2024. 

The thematic area for Issue No. 16 is - "Transitioning from Residential Care to Family-Based Care". The current legal and social environment in the country is shifting towards transitioning from residential care models to family-based care models, with a focus on reintegrating children with their families. Mission Vatsalya, the recent Guidelines on Model Foster Care 2024, and various schemes and policies on Aftercare reflect this change in care approaches.

The issue will particularly focus on:

  • Different Models and Tools of Transition in India,
  • Practices of Transition in India,
  • Promising Practices and Challenges
  • Case studies highlighting the successful transition
  • Transition model of care and inclusivity (disability, gender, and tribal community)
  • Transition and Aftercare
  • Interviews of Care Leavers and Families

Please note that the above-mentioned areas are not restrictive. 

Kindly refer to the attachment for more details on the guidelines. Feel free to circulate this within your networks. In case of any query or clarification about what you can share for the IACN Quarterly, you may reach out to us at

To see previous editions please click here

