Call for Inputs: Human Rights Council Resolution 52/8 on Promoting Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals Through Transparent, Accountable and Efficient Public Service Delivery


Purpose: To inform the report on the role of public service delivery in the promotion and protection of human rights and in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, including in relation to the protection of persons in vulnerable situations, that reflects best practices, challenges and recommendations in assisting national Governments in delivering transparent, accountable and efficient public services.

The Human Rights Council resolution 52/8 on promoting human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals through transparent, accountable and efficient public service delivery requests the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to prepare a report on the role of public service delivery in the promotion and protection of human rights and in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and to present the report to the Human Rights Council at its fifty-sixth session.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights welcomes any relevant information with regard to the preparation of the report, including:

  1. What are the main challenges identified in your country/region in relation to public service delivery? Please address both institutional and practical barriers in your response.
  2. What are the examples of good practices and approaches taken to overcoming identified challenges to the provision of public services.
  3. To what extent does corruption play in excluding individuals and households from accessing public services? How does corruption affect the delivery of public services to population groups in your country?
  4. What percentage of eligible individuals and households do not claim and/or benefit from public services in your country (non-take up)? What are the barriers that hinder them from accessing public services to which they are entitled? How can non-take-up be reduced?
  5. Please refer to challenges and good practices of public services delivery to persons belonging to groups in situations of vulnerability and marginalization including persons living in poverty, women and girls; children and youth; ethnic, national and linguistic minorities; persons with disabilities; indigenous peoples; migrants; and older persons.
  6. Are public services digitalized in your country? Please provide details including challenges and good practices in digitalization of public services that ensures transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the delivery of public services.
  7. How is the participation of private actors in public service delivery regulated and monitored in your country/region? Please share challenges and good practices.
  8. Describe economic policies, legislation, promising practices, or strategies and national, regional or local processes aimed at:
    • increasing social spending, through national and local budgets, for the provision of public services;
    • addressing structural discrimination in the provision of public services;
    • maximizing available resources for the provision of public services; 
    • preventing corruption and associated illicit financial flows in the provision of public services;
    • reallocating public expenditure for the provision of public services
Next Steps

Inputs may be sent by e-mail. They must be received by 1 November 2023.


Email subject line:
Input for report on promoting human rights and the Sustainable Development Goals through transparent, accountable and efficient public service delivery

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