Call for Papers for Institutionalised Children: Explorations and Beyond (ICEB): An International Journal on Alternative Care

Udayan Care

ICEB is an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed academic journal on Alternative Care for out-of-home-care (OHC) children and young persons, focused on the South Asia region. The journal invites you to participate in its call for paper for their September 2019 Special Edition issue on the topic 'Caregivers'.

Caregivers play an unparalleled role in Alternative Care, taking responsibility for the physical and emotional health and well-being of children, ensuring their proper care, protection and guidance, nurturing their talents and strengths, and overseeing all the requirements for children to grow and develop well, including their education, accommodation, food, social interactions and life skills. ICEB's September 2019 issue is dedicated to the phenomenal caregivers and the tremendous role they play in Alternative care, the impact of the work they do, and the often unacknowledged need to ensure caregivers' well-being, which directly informs the quality of the support extended by them. 

This issue aims to include research contributions along the following sub-themes, among other such relevant subjects, under the main topic of Caregivers in Alternative Care in South Asia;

  • The role of caregivers in community development
  • Caregiver relationship with children, other staff and the organisation
  • Balancing personal life with care giving responsibilities
  • Socio-cultural challenges faced by caregivers
  • Importance of peer support for caregivers
  • Defining the responsibilities of the caregiver in alternative child care
  • Caregiver burnout: ways to mitigate the issue
  • Mental health and psychosocial well-being of caregivers
  • Essentials in continuous professional development training for caregivers
  • Financial considerations and professional incentives towards positive caregiver participation
  • Fundamentals in recruitment of care staff
  • Challenges faced by caregivers in dealing with complex care situations


YOU can contribute. ICEB invites research studies, legal and human rights-based perspectives, mental health frameworks, and innovative practices in support, training and development for caregivers in alternative care settings, as well as good practices/models in the South Asian region. 

Abstracts (500 words) can be submitted until 15th April 2019. All papers will be double-blind peer reviewed.

Please share further with qualified colleagues. Please find the detailed call for paper attached. Specific questions pertaining this Special Issue should be directed to
