Call for Papers for Special Issue 'Irregularities in Transnational Adoptions and Child Appropriations: Challenges for Reparation Practices,' in Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research

Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research

The Guest Editors of this special issue 'Irregularities in Transnational Adoptions and Child Appropriations: Challenges for Reparation Practices,' in Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research welcome empirical and theoretically-informed contributions that adopt local and global perspectives and investigate the conceptual and practical implications of adoption and appropriation experiences. 

Possible themes for papers include, but are not limited to: 

  • historical and geographical contexts of illegal adoptions, appropriations, child laundering, ‘social orphanhood’, ‘orphanage business’; 
  • public secrets, silenced stories of kidnapping, sale and trafficking, missing and stolen babies and children, genocide, appropriation of children in dictatorship regimes; 
  • voices and testimonies of adoptees, cases of discovering illegal adoption or false identities; 
  • deconstruction of the ‘rescue’ discourse, violations of the rights of birth families; 
  • local, global and intersectional inequalities in transnational adoptions and repercussions in family relationships 
  • effects of international hegemonic adoption regulations and their collision with the local regulations of the adopted countries of origin; 
  • examples of good reparation practices for victims: legal reforms and developments, recommendations and best practices guidelines; 
  • models of open adoption among the adoptive triad; 
  • systems that guarantee comprehensive reparation, bilateral efforts and conventions, protocols of action between countries in order to find the origins of transnational adoption, role of international mediation; 
  • impact of digital social networks to trace origins and contact transnational adoptive families; 
  • preventive DNA programs, genetic identification against child trafficking and illegal adoptions. 



  • Submission of abstracts (300 words, in English) by February 15, 2020. 
  • Abstracts should be sent electronically to the Managing Editor Ragnhild Berge ( 
  • Please include author’s name(s), affiliation(s) and contact information. 
  • Invitation sent to possible paper contributors: February 25, 2020. 
  • Submission of full papers: June 30, 2020