Call for Papers: Special Edition - Relational Child & Youth Care Management

Relational Child & Youth Care Management

Relational Child and Youth Care Management

Historically, the relationship between management and workers is one of power-relations and a struggle for control, in which workers often experience the interests of management as being at odds with their own interests (Harrison, 2001). This causes an incongruence between workers’ experience of relationships with their seniors and the type of relationships they are expected to cultivate with the children and young people whom they service.

While the literature on Relational Child and Youth Care Practice has grown over the years, the focus has primarily been between the relationships between practitioners with children and young people; what remains relatively unexplored is the role that management plays in creating a workplace environment and the relationships that support adopting and implementing a relational approach, as well as how the management approach should be aligned with the principles and values of Relational Practice.

Relational Child and Youth Care Practice (RCYCP) is preparing a special issue on “Relational Child & Youth Care Management”. We are interested in submissions that explore the relational approach to management within child and youth care practice and organisations, in the following (but not limited to) areas:

  • Descriptions/definitions of a Relational CYC Management approach;
  • Stories, experiences and examples of management practices that are experienced as relational in nature;
  • Exploring how Relational practice can become an integrated approach/philosophy at all levels of an organisation or programme;
  • Exploring how an integrated Relational approach might impact the development of policies that drive an organisation;
  • Descriptions or examples of how the characteristics of Relational CYC Practice might show up in a management approach that is aligned with the relational philosophy;

What might be the benefits or drawbacks of a management approach that is aligned to relational CYC practice? Who could benefit and how?

Although we prefer submissions to be less that 5 000 words (excluding references) the submissions for this issue may include various formats eg full-length papers, research, or short narratives.

Further information for authors may be found at

Deadline for expression of interest to contribute: July 31, 2023

If you are interested in contributing to this issue, please contact