Care Transition Accelerator Academy: Training Leaders to Support the Transition from Residential to Family Care

CAFO Research Center

The Care Transition Accelerator Academy provides world-class training from global experts to equip local leaders with the tools and resources necessary to support local programs through the process of transitioning from residential care to family care.

Children need families. Yet millions of children around the world are separated from family care, often living in residential care centers such as orphanages and children’s homes.

Around the world, we are seeing a global movement of programs transitioning their services from residential to family-based solutions. Thousands of children have been moved from residential to family care, and thousands more individuals, communities, and churches have been impacted as programs now engage with entire families, rather than individual children.

Moving toward family solutions is possible, but complex. Programs in transition need personalized support and guidance, but can't always find it in their region.

That’s where the Care Transition Accelerator Academy comes in.

The Care Transition Accelerator Academy (CTAA) is a highly competitive, first-of-its-kind, two-year training program for internationally-based leaders interested in supporting local programs through the process of transition from residential to family-based care.

Qualified applicants will become CTAA Fellows, receiving learning from world-class experts, access to an extensive and curated list of resources, participation in a one-year mentored practicum, and more. Program graduates will be certified as Transition Coaches, enabling them to walk alongside programs in their region that are in the process of transitioning from residential to family care.

Interested in applying to the CTAA?

  • Applications are now being accepted for our next CTAA Cohort, which begins January 2024.
  • CTAA is a rigorous program. The first section of the application form serves as a prescreening tool to determine if an applicant is a good fit for the program. Those who are determined to be a good fit for the program will be directed to complete the full application form, which will require a more significant investment of time and information gathering. Interested candidates that don't fully meet the application profile will be connected with resources for further learning to equip them to apply for a future CTAA cohort.
  • The application deadline is Friday, November 17, 2023.


Learn more about the CTAA program, review the course timeline, and find answers to many questions in the FAQ section on our NEW website