Catholic Relief Services - Evidence Building Technical Director

Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Relief Services is seeking a qualified candidate for Evidence Building Technical Director (EBTD) for an anticipated USAID funded program on Comprehensive Care for Children Affected by HIV and AIDS (C3). The C3 project provides a central mechanism for bringing together the technical expertise needed to increase the capacity of program implementers and key actors within systems of care and support and enable them to effectively address the unique and multi-faceted needs of children in the HIV epidemic.

The EBTD will provide technical leadership to the C3 project to “build the evidence-base” (Objective 1). S/he is responsible for all activities within Objective 1 that will increase the generation and use of evidence through surveillance and research to inform strategic child welfare and protection programming for children affected by HIV and other adversities.

Qualifications include: an advanced degree in public health, demography, health management, biostatistics, epidemiology, statistics or other relevant discipline; previous experience as Director of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning preferred; and ten or more years of experience leading and implementing (operational) research, surveillance systems, implementation science, program monitoring and evaluation, and knowledge management. Please submit cover letter, CV, as well as three work references (names and contact information only) immediately.