Consultancy for Child Protection to support Alternative care and case management - Nationals only


UNICEF is seeking a consultant for children protection to support alternative care and case management in Egypt. 

Key Objective:

  • Support to planning and implementation of the SINAI CP program, with focus on Case management systems, workforce capacity building, PSS services and the integration of social protection/Child protection sector services. This also includes design and Implementation of community-based child protection model in North/South Sinai.
  • Support to planning and implementation of Alternative Care system strengthening component, including support to the process of development of Alternative Care strategy and de-institutionalization of childcare pilot program in MoSS, capacity-building of alternative care social workers.
  • Support to planning and implementation Social workforce accreditation program.
  • Roll-out of case management functions in MoSS and Integration of social protection services Takaful and Karama program case management system.
  • Support to CP section planning activities for programmatic scale up, donor coordination and design of new projects.