The purpose of this consultancy is to assist UNICEF in drafting the Secretary General’s Report. This report provides an important opportunity for UNICEF and key partners to prominently feature the topic of children without parental care on the General Assembly agenda and highlight progress made in the areas of prevention of unnecessary separation of children from families and alternative care, including the in the last ten years since the endorsement of the Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children. Additionally, the report will highlight the ongoing and evolving challenges in care reform, underline further commitments and offer key recommendations to strengthen care reform.
The report will be drafted by the consultant under the overall supervision of the designated UNICEF staff, taking into account previous reports, relevant research and inputs received from Member States, civil society organisations and relevant UN actors (including from different sections/divisions within UNICEF). There will be several stages of internal clearance of the report. The report will be prepared in compliance with UN study guides and UN Editorial Manual Online and
Further, the consultant will prepare briefing and supporting materials, including statements and Q&A, which will be used during (a) the process of drafting of the upcoming resolution on the rights of the child by Member States in charge of drafting the resolution (July 2019), (b) for the final presentation of the SG’s report before the 3rd Committee of the General Assembly (October 2019), and (c) for the side event/s, co-sponsored by the European Union and GRULAC, in collaboration with UNICEF and civil society (October 2019).
Expected results: (measurable results)
- Report on the status of the Convention on the Rights of the Child drafted, consulted and finalised.
- Briefing and supporting materials on the report, including at least one statement, one Q&A, and other materials as required, drafted submitted to UNICEF.
The main activities to be conducted for the preparation of the annual report to the General Assembly:
- Conduct desk research on the current action within and outside the UN system on the main theme to be covered by the report, using as a basis available documentation, reports, related publications, and research.
- Draft SG report based on research conducted and inputs received from UNICEF, UN entities, Member States and Civil Society Organizations.
- Revise and finalize the draft report based on the review and clearance process.
- Briefing and supporting materials, including statements and Q&A on the report.
Application deadline is 16 Janaury 2019.