Consultancy to develop a technical note on the optimal role of the Social Service Workforce in child protection in school settings

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance

The Global Social Service Workforce Alliance (Alliance) is currently developing a range of technical notes and guidance under a Programme Cooperation Agreement with UNICEF Child Protection Section, Programme Division, New York Headquarters. One activity under this agreement is to: ‘Develop a technical note on the optimal role of the social service workforce in schools in prevention and response to violence.’ The purpose of this consultancy is to develop a concise but well-evidenced technical note on the optimal role and functions of the social service workforce (SSW) in schools in child protection. The technical note will analyze and summarize the main approaches and models in this field of work. It will also highlight the key ingredients of promising practice in this area of work, from a range of contexts, in particular low- and middle-income countries in development contexts, with a focus on government-run schools (under the responsibility of Ministries of Education). This will help to guide and inform education sector policy makers and program managers.
