Family For Every Child: Call for Documentation on Foster Care

Family for Every Child

Family for Every Child has commissioned a research study to identify gaps in knowledge and understanding around foster care and consider the role that Family for Every Child and its members could potentially play in filling these gaps.  

The research study will specifically examine the following sets of questions:

  1. What is the place for foster care in the continuum of care choices for children?
  2. What are the key components of quality foster care?
  3. What mechanisms and strategies need to be in place to deliver quality foster care in low and middle income countries?

The research team is seeking literature, both published and unpublished ‘grey’ literature, covering the above mentioned research questions and foster care in general.  

Please share any foster care reports, studies, evaluations and assessments, legal and policy frameworks (i.e. standards or guidelines) or overviews of foster care programmes (both State-run and NGO).  Literature in English and Spanish is welcomed.  Other languages are also welcome.  

Please send information to Ghazal Keshavarzian,, by 28 January 2014.