Family for Every Child: Knowledge Management Coordinator

Family for Every Child

Family for Every Child is looking for a Knowledge Management Coordinator to strengthen the Alliance’s capacity to transform information into knowledge, which both informs their own joint work and is used to evidence impact, and influence others.  The post-holder will have experience of working with external partners and across a range of cultural contexts and technical areas. 

Knowledge management

● Working across Family (Secretariat team and wider membership, both face to face and virtually), strengthening connections and systems to transform information into knowledge that influences the programme practice of both members’ and other key actors

● Supporting Family to develop and test new approaches, systems and tools for effective knowledge management and dissemination, that are relevant to our networking/alliance model

● Contributing to Family’s strategy and action to generate and/or identify evidence of the impact of our work, with strong links to our research, advocacy and monitoring, evaluation and learning work

● Coordinating the Secretariat’s efforts to synthesise and disseminate the evidence of our work through the most appropriate digital or traditional channels including curating the Member Resource Library on the Members’ Site

● Contributing to further develop our capacity to manage AgileCase (our KM database)

Application deadline: Sunday 21 April
