FHI 360’s ASPIRES: Technical Advisor I, Child Protection, Care and Wellbeing through Economic Strengthening


FHI 360’s Accelerating Strategies for Practical Innovation and Research in Economic Strengthening (ASPIRES) project supports integrated, multi-disciplinary, evidence-based, gender-sensitive programming to improve the economic security, health and wellbeing of vulnerable households and children. 

Under an agreement with USAID’s Displaced Children and Orphans Fund, ASPIRES seeks to develop programming guidance for matching contextually appropriate economic interventions with specifically targeted households to assist in reintegrating separated children into families and preventing unnecessary separation of children from their families. The development and launch of two multi-component pilot interventions in different countries will inform this guidance. The pilots will encompass related evaluation/operational research, designed specifically to test the efficacy and costs of economic strengthening interventions targeting households reintegrating children or households where children are at risk of separation due to social and economic vulnerability. 

The Technical Advisor will take a leading role in the design and assessment of the two field projects, as well as in carrying out desk-based and field research to develop guidance on household-targeted economic strengthening. The role requires technical and programmatic expertise in child protection, particularly the reintegration of separated children into families (e.g., street children, institutionalized children, children separated during an emergency, former child soldiers), and in providing technical assistance, capacity building, and training to donors, practitioners and other organizations. 

Location Washington DC, USA  

For a full description and application instructions, please click here