Individual Contractor (Greek speaking, with travel): Child Protection Expert on Community Based Care – Technical Support to EKKA (National Centre for Social Solidarity), Athens, Greece (5 months)


UNICEF is seeking an Individual Contractor in Greece. The Child Protection Expert (Individual Contractor) will provide technical assistance in one or more of the following tasks, using the latest UNICEF guidance for content and quality:

  1. Provide technical support and guidance to EKKA in the context of the SIL scale up and the transition to a national portfolio,
  2. Liaise with relevant authorities and child protection actors providing accommodation, care and services to unaccompanied children to initiate a Best Interest Assessment (BIA) process for UAC identified as eligible for referral to SIL accommodation and care scheme
  3. Review referrals and BIA reports submitted to EKKA for referral to SIL apartments and prioritise eligible cases for placement
  4. Carry out visits to accommodation facilities in order to assess cases of UAC referred to EKKA for SIL.
  5. Participate in case conferences with EKKA’s child protection team for selection of children and identification of the most appropriate SIL apartment for individual cases as needed.
  6. Support the implementation of EKKA’s protocols and procedures in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures of SIL scheme
  7. Facilitate coordination and communication among key service providers involved in the UASC National Referrals and Placement System within EKKA
  8. Support the administrative processes of SIL referrals, placements, registration, capacity and occupancy of SIL apartments using EKKA’s database
  9. Support efforts to build capacity of care providers (individuals and organisations) on key areas related to Best Interest Assessment and Standard Operating Procedures on referral and placement of SIL scheme (guidelines and other relevant training material) to ensure minimum standards are in place, including through sharing tools, resources, training material, and linking actors to training opportunities.
  10. Support the organising and the EKKA representation in a Roundtable on SIL lessons learned and the way forward
  11. Represent EKKA in relevant coordination meetings on SIL implementation


The Child Protection Expert on Community Based Care (Individual Contractor) may be requested to work on one or more of the following deliverables, using UNICEF programme policies and guidance for content and quality:

  1. Daily update and monitoring of registration data into national referral database. (daily)
  2. Daily vulnerability assessments and recommendations for UAC placement in SIL.  (daily)
  3. Generation of statistics and trends to inform planning as required. (as required)
  4. Reports of monitoring visits to UAC shelters and SIL facilities, per visit (Due: no later than 1 week after visits)
  5. Reports on implemented training activities (Due: up to 10 days after completion of training)
  6. Agendas and Note for the Records of relevant meetings on quality of care, assessment and supervision (Due: no later than 1 week after meeting)
  7. Monthly reports summarising activities and progress against main duties listed above (Due: last day of each month)
  8. Background material and output report on SIL Roundtable (Due: November 2019)
  9. Report of Recommendation to EKKA on Lessons Learned/Next Steps to further facilitate SIL scale up 2020 (Due: mid December 2019)

Performance Indicators:

  • Analysis and reports are produced based on UNICEF’s quality standards
  • Report on planning and developing of Capacity Building trainings is timely provided
  • Quality review of and assessment for National Standards of Care and Operational Frameworks
  • UNICEF and National partners ratings of quality of technical assistance by the Individual Contractor are adhered to

Application deadline is 23 July 2019