UNICEF is seeking an international consultant to provide technical support to the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in strengthening of the foster care system in the country. In doing so, the consultant will work with national expert(s) (to be selected by UNICEF and the MoLSP) to provide technical assistance in the area of: revision of secondary legislation related to foster care; development of specialized foster care; establishment of support centres for foster families; revision of the training package for foster families; development of programme and materials for continuous support of foster families; development of specialised foster care, particularly for children with disabilities. One national expert is planned to be engaged for this task to collaborate with the international consultant, with the expertise in the area of disability and in the area of social work and policy.
Main tasks:
- Review and revision of existing standards and procedures with regards to foster care, and development of new according to the needs;
- Review and revision of existing regulation, standards and procedures with regards to adoption, and development of new according to the needs;
- Revise and further develop the recruitment, assessment and training system;
- Support the design and establishment of a specialised foster care support centre(s), by development of programme, structure of staff, working tools, with a purpose to:
- Capacity development of professionals in the Institute for Social Activities, support centres and centres for social work on assessing, training and provision of support to foster families.
- Support provision of specialised training provided to # of potential and active foster families.
- Support development of registries of all identified foster families per type of foster care.
Application deadline is 25 December 2018.