Open Call for Special Issue Proposals in 'Childhood: A Journal of Global Child Research'


The Editors of Childhood welcome proposals for special issues to be published in 2026. 


Proposals are due by the 14th of February 2025 


Childhood is a major international peer-reviewed journal and a forum for research relating to children in global society that spans divisions between geographical regions, disciplines, and social and cultural contexts. Childhood publishes theoretical and empirical articles, reviews, and scholarly comments on children's social relations and culture, with an emphasis on their rights and generational position in society. 

Editorial Guidelines:

Special issues must conform to the standards and practices of Childhood. Special issue proposals can be based on open calls for article contributions or can bring together scholarship emerging out of, for example, projects, workshops, seminars, or conferences. They might also combine both procedures. After receiving abstracts, Guest Editors select and send invitations to potential contributors to develop their articles. 

Articles should be no longer than 8000 words, including all notes and references; 8-9 articles are usually accommodated per issue. Guest Editor(s) are expected to write an introduction (3000 words or longer) to the special issue outlining the contribution of the special issue to the field at large. Guest Editors and contributors should consult the Childhood Submission Guidelines

Reviewing Procedures:

Guest Editors are responsible for all aspects of the editorial process, including obtaining at least two anonymous peer reviewers per submission. Two journal Editors will be assigned to assist the Guest Editor(s) and oversee the special issue. Guest Editors work closely with the assigned journal Editors in all matters of review, editorial policy, and the ultimate dispensation of the special issue. 

Should a Guest Editor(s) wish to submit an article for consideration for publication in the special issue, the assigned Childhood Editors will oversee the review process for this manuscript. 

The final determination of all submissions for an approved special issue rests in the hands of the Editors of Childhood. This determination is always based on the overall quality and relevance of the submissions to the journal’s readership and mission. Approval to move ahead on a special issue does not guarantee that all proposed submissions will necessarily be included. If a successfully reviewed and accepted submission does not make it into the proposed special issue, efforts will be made to include it in a subsequent issue of Childhood. In addition to matters related to quality and mission, policies put forth by SAGE and considerations of space may play a part in the final determination of what is included in the special issue. For the same reasons, the timing of a special issue cannot be guaranteed. 

Guidelines for Submission of Special Issue Proposals:

Proposals should include:

  • A succinct concept note of the special issue presenting its thematic coherence and significance, and how it relates to the aims and scope of Childhood (2 pages maximum). 
  • A short CV for the special issue Guest Editor(s), indicating any editorial experience with peer-reviewed publications. 

Special issue Proposals are due on the 14th of February 2025 

Proponents of selected proposals will be notified by the 7th of March 2025 

Proposals must be sent by email to the Childhood editorial address: 

Ragnhild Berge, Managing Editor
Phone: +47 73596586 
