In continuation of their commitment to promote Family-Based Alternative Care in India and Strengthening Families and Gatekeeping, IACN, in collaboration with Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC), is planning the next phase of training on the Process of Transition - Transitioning institutional care services to community-based family service models as an integrated area under the larger umbrella of Care Reform.
"Transition refers to the process of changing the model of care or service provided by an organisation from an institutional / residential model of care to family-based alternative care and/or community-based family support services. Transition is an integral component of the child protection and care systems reform." Transition has strong intersection with overall national child protection systems and policies in India, as well as childcare system reform and deinstitutionalization, which recognizes to the right of child to family care as the optimal environment for growth and development versus the detrimental effects of institutionalization on children.
Care Reform refers to the changes to the systems and mechanisms that promote and strengthen the capacity of families and communities to care for their children, address the care and protection needs of vulnerable or at-risk children to prevent separation from their families, decrease reliance on residential care and promote reintegration of children and ensure appropriate family-based alternative care options are available for children who do need to be separated, however temporary
The first phase of the Transition Training comprising two interactive webinars on "Unpacking the Transition Concept, Global Framework and Tools" was completed on 4th and 16th July respectively.
The next phase focuses on the Contextualization of the existing global transition framework and tools in India context and Training of the Trainers (TOT) to create a pool of resource persons, who would be vested with the responsibility to further promote, build capacities and provide hand-holding support to the Child Care Institutions (CCI) who are willing for transition to family-based care model, across the country.
In pursuit of this goal, IACN and CTWWC are inviting applications/names of the passionate and dedicated individuals, who are committed to promoting family strengthening and alternative care for children in India.
This training is open for those who are committed to promoting alternative care, have been engaged in and promoting deinstitutionalization, non institutional care practices such as foster care, kinship care.
If you are interested please complete the form outlining the selection criteria to register your name for participation in the training. Or you can recommend somebody's name, who according to you would be interested in the training.
The last date for the submission of the form is 30th August 2024.
Note: The final selection will be done by the Core Committee after reviewing the applications received.