STRIVE Call for Case Study Abstracts


The “Supporting Transformation by Reducing Insecurity and Vulnerability with Economic strengthening” (STRIVE) Project, in conjunction with the Child Protection in Crisis (CPC) network and Women’s Refugee Commission, invites practitioners and researchers to submit case studies on evidence-based strategies, practices and research related to how economic strengthening activities can: 1) prevent the separation of children from their families and communities, and 2) support the tracing, reunification and reintegration of separated children back into their families and communities.

STRIVE is funded by USAID’s Displaced Children and Orphans Fund (DCOF) and is designed to identify and produce replicable methodologies for economic development that demonstrably benefit vulnerable children. STRIVE is seeking case studies that present field-based learning on promising economic strengthening approaches to address poverty as a driver for family separation, and as a barrier to reunification and reintegration of separated children. The authors of selected case studies will be provided travel support to present at an upcoming Symposium that will include experts, practitioners and donors to be held in early March 2015 in Washington, D.C.

Abstracts are due on January 12th, 2015. For more information, please click the link above.