STRIVE Child Reintegration and Family Separation Prevention Symposium Consultant- Request for Proposals - November 17, 2014 – February 13, 2015


STRIVE, an associate award under the FIELD-Support LWA funded by the USAID Displaced Children and Orphans Fund (DCOF), aims to understand if improvements in the economic wellbeing of households translate into child-level impacts. Prime FHI 360 and partners Action for Enterprise (AFE), ACDI/VOCA, CARE, MEDA, Save the Children, implemented four field projects under the STRIVE program in Africa and Asia between 2008 and 2013. Each project pursued a different economic strengthening approach, ranging from savings-led finance to workforce development to value chain interventions.

Coupled with a robust monitoring and evaluation framework and learning strategy, STRIVE tracked and documented the impacts of these diverse interventions on household and child wellbeing including both economic (financial), and non-economic (health, education, nutrition, etc.) vulnerability factors. As a result, STRIVE aims to identify and demonstrate interventions that can sustainably increase household incomes and/or assets and document how such increases improve (or fail to improve) the lives of children.

FHI 360 seeks a consultant to:

  • Work with STRIVE staff to define the symposium agenda and identify presenters.
  • Identify symposium invitees.
  • Identify and implement mechanisms for creative, efficient, and effective ways to structure agenda and engage audiences to facilitate maximum sharing of knowledge.
  • Provide support on the development of pre- and post-conference materials, which may include developing bibliographies, briefings, minutes, etc.
  • Provide technical input on the solicitation for and selection of case studies of relevant projects, to be incorporated into the symposium report, which will be published by FHI 360.
  • Lead the writing of the symposium report and work with the project team on post-conference follow-up. FHI 360 will be responsible for report design and formatting, the consultant will be responsible for report content, including the case studies.

The Consultant will work with the project team as a subject matter expert, facilitator, and writer to produce the symposium and associated documentation.