Technical Director for Changing the Way We Care (CTWWC)

Maestral International, Changing the Way We Care

Maestral International is seeking a full-time Technical Director for the Changing the Way We Care initiative. The CTWWC Technical Director will be responsible for the overall design and articulation of CTWWC’s approach to care reform for children. S/he will oversee the Consortium’s technical assistance and training activities globally, regionally and in the demonstration countries, providing direction and guiding implementation in the following areas: policy development and strengthening, public sector and stakeholder coordination, capacity development and skill building, programs and services, case management (assessment, referral and monitoring), participation of children, youth and families as well as care leavers, the social service workforce, institutional transition strategies, public expenditure and resource mobilization, and related areas. S/he will also oversee the development of CTWWC’s technical tools and resources and capacity building support, and will manage activities to distill lessons being learned from CTWWC country activities of relevance at the global and regional levels.

Much of the related technical assistance, training and research will be provided by short-term advisors retained by CTWWC. The Technical Director will identify, recruit and supervise these advisors, and will ensure that the approach is coordinated at the global, regional and country levels. The Technical Director will work in coordination with other key CTWWC staff, including those managing advocacy, behavioral change communications, and monitoring/evaluation/learning. S/he will also be the focal point for linking the technical work in the demonstration countries to CTWWC’s regional and global advocacy and communications efforts.

Application deadline is 5 May 2018.