GHR Foundation is seeking a consultant/firm to conduct an assessment of the Children in Families (CIF) initiative country-level systems approach to strengthening holistic child protection systems in Zambia and Cambodia.
The specific objectives across the two countries are to:
1) Assess the structure and relevance of GHR’s country approach and five critical systems components (i.e., building blocks) in each country through a review of system change and measurement literature;
2) Define the tipping points, and corresponding SMART indicators, towards system-level change for each of the systems components (i.e., building blocks);
3) Examine the progress and underlying factors to-date towards reaching the identified tipping points in each country since inception of GHR’s in-country efforts (i.e., September 2014 in Zambia, and December 2015 in Cambodia) through the review, analysis, and synthesis of existing data under key indicators developed under Objective #2 for each country; and
4) Provide specific, time-bound recommendations for further work needed in each country in order to reach tipping points not realized by the end of the latest CIF implementation period (i.e., December 2021 in Cambodia, and March 2022 in Zambia), as well as reflection on the generalizable nature of GHR’s systems approach to other country contexts. Analysis and synthesis of progress according to tipping points should be stratified by the two implementation approaches utilized in Zambia and Cambodia to allow for examination of differential effect on key benchmarks towards system-level change.
Submissions should be e-mailed to Jessie Szopinski at no later than 5pm CDT on Friday September 11, 2020. All inquiries regarding this TOR can be directed to the same e-mail address.