Driven in part by their experiences as members of the Elevate Children Funders Group (ECFG) and funders of child protection programs, and also due to the sector-level momentum generated by the UNGA reviews of the CRC and the Alternative Care Guidelines, UBS-Optimus Foundation and GHR Foundation have agreed to engage a consultant to review monitoring and evaluation frameworks in child protection.
The objectives of the consultancy will be to support:
1. A review of measurement approaches across the field of children's care (family, alternative, institutional (from major international players to grassroots organizations) and an analysis of what is common across these and what is vastly different;
2. A review of how other sectors may have approached building common measurements and what the care sector could/should consider; and
3. The development of a draft common measurement framework based on the above.
Proposals are due 6 December 2019. Read the Terms of Reference above to learn more.