Transitioning Support Providers Survey

Faith to Action Initiative

The evidence is clear: children do best when raised in families. However, current estimates suggest that more than five million children around the world are living outside parental care and in residential care centers, often referred to as orphanages or children’s homes. 

As the global movement for children to be raised in families gains momentum, more organizations will desire to transition their work from supporting caring for children in residential care centers to supporting care for children in families, both biological families and alternative family care when needed, such as foster care and adoption.  As organizations begin to transition to family care, they will need support and guidance in order to be successful.

The Faith to Action Initiative is seeking to build a comprehensive list of those who can provide support services for residential care facilities transitions to family-based care.

This survey has been created to gather information about organizations or individuals who are assisting or seeking to assist residential care providers with on-the-ground, individualized support for transitioning their services to family-based care. Your input will help further the greater family care movement!

NOTE: If you are answering this survey representing services you personally provide only, not as part of an organization, please leave organization focused questions blank.

All personal or organizational information collected is confidential and will not be published or shared without consent. As a result of this survey and with approval, organizations with capacity to provide support for transitions will be included in a public directory. General findings, including identified gaps or strengths across the sector, will be presented in a report for survey responders to access.

If you know of someone who provides these services, please forward or send their email address to Faith to Action hopes to get responses from anyone working in reintegration.  

Thank you for being part of the global movement to see children in families!