USAID Seeks Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (DRG) Center LGBTI Program Assistant (PSC)


The DRG Center requires this PSC in order to bolster its ability to advance human rights by supporting and assisting marginalized and vulnerable populations. This position is critical for the continued leadership of the DRG Center in promoting LGBTI equality efforts through the integration of rights and empowerment in policies and programming. The DRG Center is faced with increasing demand, both in Washington, D.C. and its field missions for technical expertise in the protection of LGBTI human rights.

The PSC’s responsibilities will include maintaining the programmatic and operational budget tracking and management for Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) programs. The PSC will coordinate and consult on LGBTI program and budget issues globally and coordinate with regional or specialized teams such as the Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment and the regional Bureaus for Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and Eurasia, Africa, and Asia.

Qualified individuals are requested to submit: 1) A USAID form AID 302-3 (Offeror Information for Personal Services Contracts) with handwritten signature (available at the USAID website,; 2) A resume must be attached to the AID 302-3. Resumes must contain sufficient information to make a valid determination of meeting experience requirements as stated in this solicitation. This information should be clearly identified in the resume. Failure to provide information sufficient to determine qualifications for the position will result in loss of full consideration. In order to fully evaluate applications, resumes must include: a. Paid and non-paid experience, job title, location(s), dates held (month/year), and hours worked per week for each position. Dates (month/year) and locations for all field experience must also be detailed. Any experience that does not include dates (month/year), locations, and hours per week will not be counted towards meeting the solicitation requirements. b. Specific duties performed that fully detail the level and complexity of the work. c. Education and any other qualifications including job-related training courses, job-related skills, or job-related honors, awards or accomplishments. Upon request transcripts and/or certifications must be submitted. 3) A brief appendix or cover letter that demonstrates how prior experience and/or training address directly the evaluation criteria should be attached. 4) Names and current contact information of three professional supervisory references that have knowledge of the applicant’s ability to perform the duties set forth in this solicitation. RFP# SOL-OAA-17-000021 5) Applications must be received by the closing date and time specified in Section I, and submitted to the Point of Contact identified in Section I. 6) To ensure consideration of applications for the intended position, Applicants must prominently reference the Solicitation number in the application submission. By submitting your application materials, you certify that all of the information on and attached to the application is true, correct, and complete and made in good faith. You agree to allow all information on and attached to the application to be investigated. False or fraudulent information on or attached to your application may result in you being eliminated from consideration for this position, or being terminated after award, and may be punishable by fine or imprisonment. 

For more information on this position and on how to apply, click here or use the link on the right.
