Children In South Lebanon: “I Miss The Safety of Our Neighbourhood”


Hostilities in southern Lebanon have intensified as a result of the cross-border war between Israel and Gaza. More than 93,000 people have been forced to leave their homes and most children can no longer attend school. The children report severe psychological stress and nightmares, according to the leading Swiss children's rights organisation Terre des hommes Lausanne, which has been providing assistance on the ground for 47 years.

“I miss the comfort of my room, my toys and the safety of our neighbourhood,” says six-year-old Mila.

Mila is one of the 30,000 children who have been forced to flee southern Lebanon to other parts of the country. Since 8 October, her village and many other places in the South have become unsafe for civilians. 75 children have already been injured and twelve children killed as a result of the intensified hostilities.