On Wednesday, July 31 2013, UNICEF launched its “#ENDviolence against children” campaign. One of the biggest promotions of the campaign is a one-minute public service announcement (PSA), a video narrated by the well-known film actor Liam Neeson. The video, which features multiple scenes of violence against children without showing the children or the action, calls for its viewers to “make the invisible visible,” claiming that “violence against children is everywhere. But people turn a blind eye. It’s hidden behind closed doors. It’s invisible.”
The campaign’s website includes a description of the campaign, some facts on child abuse, a map of the countries with whom UNICEF is working on this campaign, an image gallery, web stories, videos, a social media forum, the campaign’s partners, and information on how to get involved to help end violence against children. To visit the website, please click on the link above.