Preventing Un-Adoption Tragedies

Mirah Riben, The Blog - Huffington Post

In this blog piece from the Huffington Post, Mirah Riben describes the phenomenon of “re-homing” in which many adoptive parents in the United States, typically of internationally adopted children, give up those adopted children after a period of time, often times to people who are not properly vetted and who may harm the children. According to the post, some professionals and officials in the adoption field find the practice of re-homing deplorable and consider it child trafficking. Other adoption advocates, however, want to make this process open and acceptable and to regulate it better so that parents who find they are not able to cope with parenting these children, who often have many special needs due to years of institutionalization and lack of one-to-one care, can give up these children and see them placed into families more capable of caring for them.