Rise in over-18s staying at home with foster families

Judith Burns - BBC News

The UK has recently introduced new rules requiring councils to provide support to children who stay in foster families beyond the age of 18.  According to the article, 2,300 young people in the UK between the ages of 18 and 21 now remain with their foster families. However, says the article, councils are concerned about the increased cost of keeping children in foster care until the age of 21. The article highlights some of the benefits to youth who stay in care. "Remaining in a loving, caring foster home enables them to move into adulthood in a stable way and we believe it will then reduce some of the poorer outcomes for looked-after children - young people who get involved in the criminal justice system, young people who may end up homeless, suffering with mental health issues,” said Kevin Williams, chief executive of The Fostering Network, a UK charity.