The Better Care Network joins the Child Protection Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (CP MERG) Core Membership

Better Care Network

In 2014, BCN was invited to join the Child Protection Monitoring and Evaluation Reference Group (CP MERG) as a Core Member and to co-chair one of its newest Technical Working Groups, Children and Care.    

Established in 2010, the CP MERG is a global forum for collaboration, coordination and shared learning on child protection monitoring, evaluation and research.  The CP MERG aims at strengthening the quality of monitoring and evaluation (M&E), research and data collection in child protection, through the development of standards, tools and recommendations.  The CP MERG has a number of resources for child protection practitioners and policymakers:

  • CP MERG quarterly newsletter which facilitates learning and sharing across the sector;
  • CP MERG Technical Briefing Note Series, which serve as guides, checklists and overviews of key resources and shared learning in order to strengthen the quality of M&E in the child protection sector;
  • CP MERG Webinars, which educate, inform and share cutting edge knowledge and information on M&E in the child protection sector; and
  • CP MERG Peer Review of M&E Tools, Methodologies and Knowledge Products: Individuals and organisations can share new tools, methodologies, standards and knowledge products to have peer reviewed by CP MERG’s experienced roster of experts.  If you are interested in learning more about the peer review initiative or are interested in submitting a document to be peer reviewed, visit the CP MERG website or contact the CP MERG Secretariat,
  • Technical Working Groups (TWG), including: TWG on Violence against Children, TWG on Children and Care, TWG on National Child Protection Data Systems, and TWG on Improving Project & Programme Level M&E Approaches

All this information as well as additional resources is available on the CP MERG website. Contact the CP MERG Secretariat for additional information and resources,