Two Months of War in Ukraine Creating 'a Child Protection Crisis of Extraordinary Proportions' - UNICEF Geneva Palais Briefing Note on the Situation of Children in Ukraine


This is a summary of what was said by UNICEF's Regional Advisor - Child Protection for Europe and Central Asia, Aaron Greenberg – to whom quoted text may be attributed - at a press briefing at the Palais des Nations in Geneva.

GENEVA/LVIV, Ukraine, 6 May 2022 - "The situation in Ukraine is a child protection crisis of extraordinary proportions, the likes of which we perhaps haven’t seen before.

“Two months of war in Ukraine have left 7.7 million people internally displaced and driven over 5.5 million people across international borders, including nearly two-thirds of all children in Ukraine. Hundreds of children have been killed and many more have been injured. Nearly 200 attacks have been reported against health care facilities, and schools continue to be impacted by strikes.