UNICEF rolls out child rights campaign

Moses Mugalu, The Observer

Through the ‘InvestInUGChildren’ campaign, UNICEF has partnered with media outlets to highlight issues such as malnutrition, hunger, domestic violence, early marriage, poor health, and education in Uganda. Jaya Murthy, the communications director at UNICEF Uganda, said the UN agency will use issues documented by the campaign to make a case for the need to invest in Ugandan children. 

To achieve its ‘Vision 2040’ plan, Uganda must ensure children gain access to fundamental rights of health, education, protection and participation. Thus, the Ugandan goverment has tasked the National Council for Children (NCC) in the ministry of gender, labour and social development to oversee the ‘InvestInUGChildren’ campaign. A representative at the NCC said the government will increase investment in quality health, education, and nutrition.