Guidelines for Kinship Care, Foster Care, and Supported Independent Living in Liberia

Government of Liberia, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare - USAID, Maestral International, Save the Children, World Learning

In recent years, the Government of Liberia has made significant advances in strengthening the child protection system, in particular with alternative care.  The Guidelines for Kinship Care, Foster Care and Supported Independent Living in Liberia paper has been produced as part of the efforts made to continue this advancement. The Guidelines are intended to provide harmonized national guidance for child welfare practitioners in order to improve the quality of family-based alternative care services in Liberia, particularly for children without appropriate care (CWAC). The Guidelines aim at providing guidance and practical tools for all people working with children who are at risk of losing family care or who are at risk of harm due to where they are living.

The draft explains the importance of family-based settings for children. They also explain the risks that children may face in such settings and what can be done when there is a concern about a child’s wellbeing. The Guidelines highlight the interplay of national and international policies and standards about caring for children and show how they should be applied in order to care and protect children at risk of separation from their families. The protocols offered help to guide practitioners on how to make decisions in the best interests of the child.

The Guidelines are a result of extensive consultation and collaboration across Government bodies, and non-governmental partners and alternative care providers, including the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the Ministry of Gender and Development, United States Agency for International Development, World Learning, Maestral International and Save the Children.
