Survey – research and evaluations on alternative care

Better Care Network

Child Frontiers have been commissioned by the Better Care Network to carry out a review of published, on-going and planned research on children's care.  This review covers research and evaluations on:

  • Preventing unnecessary family separation
  • Alternative care (e.g. de-institutionalisation, residential care, foster care, supervised independent living)
  • Reintegration
  • Adoption (domestic and inter-country)
  • Over-arching care reform processes (e.g. workforce strengthening to support care provision)

The review focuses on research and evaluations from low and middle-income countries that is on-going or that has taken place in the last 5 years.  Findings will be shared and discussed to enable a more strategic research agenda in the future which plugs key gaps in understanding.

Please complete this short survey by 1st February 2018 to let us know about any research or evaluations carried out by or funded by your organisation on care.  Please send the completed survey to:

Complete the Survey Below