This paper is the fourth of the second edition of the child rights bridging papers for the Civil Society Days of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (Dhaka, Bangladesh, 8 to 10 December 2016). It examines specificities affecting children on the nove and other children affected by migration related to migrant women and girls.
The paper highlights key SDGs, sections of the NY Declaration, and recommended principles to guide actions concerning children on the move and other children affected by migration, related to women and girls. It oulines recommendations regarding the rights of women and girls on the move. The paper explains the context and key challenges and issues related to migrant women and girls, including international human rights framework for the rights of migrant girls, impact of limited data on girls’ migration on policy-making, gender-related vulnerabilities through the migration process, poor working conditions and limited labour rights for girls, gender-based violence, undocumented and stateless migrant women and children, and the impact of migration on women and children back home.