The ‘Study on Alternative Care Community Practices for Children in Cambodia, including Pagoda-based care’ (published in Khmer) is the first of its kind which sheds light on how different forms of alternative care are being used in the community. The study identifies push and pull factors that impact alternative care and documents care profiles for each of the five types of alternative care practices found in Cambodia - kinship care, foster care, pagoda-based care, group homes and residential care institutions and boarding schools. Conclusions and recommends are provided to improve each of these five types care practices. For example, the study found that not all children going into kinship and foster care are registered formally and foster care and kinship providers should be better assessed, prepared and supported. The study suggests that pagodas and other faith-based institutions caring for more than 10 children should employ a full time trained caregiver. It also proposes an increase in the number of professional social workers and para social workers to provide case management and support services to vulnerable children and families in the community.
The report will be useful to improve the alternative care community practices in Cambodia, and represents a significant step forward in the ongoing child care reform in the country.
Read the report in English here.