Webinar Recording: Transforming Children's Care Webinar #9 - The Legal Framework of Orphanage Trafficking: Cambodia, Nepal and Uganda

Transforming Children's Care Global Collaborative Platform

This webinar is the ninth in the Transforming Children's Care Webinar Series. Orphanage trafficking involves the recruitment and/or transfer of children to residential care institutions for a purpose of exploitation and profit. It typically takes place in lower- and middle-income countries where child protection services systems are highly privatized, under-regulated, and primarily funded by overseas sources. Orphanage trafficking crimes are poorly understood, often go undetected and are rarely prosecuted- even in countries where its occurrence has been well documented.

To enhance the identification, prosecution, and prevention of orphanage trafficking, Griffith University, UBS and BCN partnered on a multi-country, multi-stage research project to examine the legal frameworks of orphanage trafficking in Cambodia, Uganda, and Nepal. This research aims to analyze the current legal, policy and procedural frameworks under domestic law in all three focal countries and under international law and to better understand how cases indicative of orphanage trafficking are detected and treated by law enforcement.

This webinar presents the findings from the stage one analysis of the legal, policy and procedural frameworks. It also featured presentations on the situation of orphanage trafficking from in-country investigators and experts.

Resources shared during the webinar: 

Speakers’ organizations:


Webinar Presentation