
ChildFund Alliance works to end violence and exploitation against children and to overcome poverty and the underlying conditions that prevent children from achieving their full potential. They work in partnership with children and their communities to create lasting change, and the participation of children themselves is a key component of their approach. ChildFund Alliance members create sustainable child-focused, community-based development programs in areas where children are impacted by war, natural disaster, poverty and global health issues such as HIV/AIDS.

Programs address education, health, nutrition, micro-enterprise and economic development, and emergency response and psychosocial interventions. ChildFund works in partnership with local communities. The participation of children themselves is a key component of our approach. The ChildFund Alliance Secretariat oversees the day-to-day operations of the Alliance. It develops and works with members to implement Alliance-wide strategy, standards and policies. The Secretariat represents the Alliance at international forums such as the United Nations and the European Union.

Key Area(s) of Work
Child Care/Protection in Emergencies and Humanitarian Crises
Child Participation
Child Protection
Child Sexual Abuse/Exploitation
Health/Medical Care
Violence Against Children