
List of Organisations

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List of Organisations

Y.G. Riemersma, A.E. Zijlstra, M.E. Kalverboer, W.J. Post, A.T. Harder,

The authors of this study aimed to gain insight into the perceived living environment in different residential youth care settings from the perspectives of 26 youth, 14 parents, and 35 professionals in the Netherlands.

Thaslima Begum, Rosie Swash - The Guardian,

Police start to interview witnesses following Guardian reports on adoptions to the Netherlands nearly 50 years ago

G. H. P.(Peer) van der Helm, Jesse J. Roest, Anna Leonora Dekker, Veronique Suzanne, Lisette van Miert, Chris H. Z. Kuiper, Geert Jan J. M. Stams,

Group climate in residential youth care is considered to be essential for treatment of youth and young adults. Various instruments exist to measure quality of living group climate, but some are lengthy, use complicated wording, which make them difficult to fill out by youth and individuals with a mild intellectual disability. The present study based in the Netherlands describes the development and rationale for the Group Climate Instrument—Revised (GCI-R).

Jorinde L. Broekhoven, Lieke van Domburgh, Floor van Santvoort, Jessica J. Asscher, Inge Simons, Annemarieke M. M. M. Blankestein, Gonnie Albrecht, Rachel E. A. van der Rijken, Arne Popma,

To promote the return of juveniles to a home-like environment (e.g. living with (foster)parents) after secure residential treatment (SRT), it is important to know which factors are related to this outcome. The current study, based in the Netherlands, examined which characteristics of the juvenile, family, and SRT, including family centeredness and use of systemic interventions, are related to the living situation after discharge.

Yannick Balk, Georg Frerks, Beatrice de Graaf,

This article investigates the phenomenon and practice of intercountry adoption in the Netherlands from a historical perspective by using applied history methods.

Alexander McTier, Kate Mackinnon, Heather Ottaway - CELCIS,

Case studies of transformational reform programmes examined a range of approaches to the delivery of children’s services to better understand the evidence regarding systems-level integration between children’s social work/social care with health services and/or adult social care.

Anton van Wijk, Marjan Olfers, Iris Vloemans,

This report comprises of research into cases of historical sexual abuse that took place in the SOS Children’s Village in Suriname. This research covers roughly the period from the early seventies to 2006. The research took place partly in the Netherlands and partly in Suriname.


This report highlights the recommendations and priorities that EU decision-makers and national governments can do to support the most vulnerable children and prevent widening inequalities. 

Laura M. Schwab-Reese, Karen Albright, Richard D. Krugman ,

The purpose of this analysis was to compare perspectives of frontline workers, administrators, and experts in child abuse and neglect in a system with mandatory reporting (Colorado, United States) and one without mandatory reporting (The Netherlands).

Rodrigo González-Álvarez, Mijntje ten Brummelaar, Samar Orwa, Mónica López López,

Using in-depth interviews, the present study aims to illuminate the resilience experiences of 13 LGBTQIA+ young people in out-of-home care in the Netherlands.