Assessing Children in Need and their Families: Practice Guidance

Department of Health, Department for Education and Employment, Home Office, UK

WHAT: A UK perspective on the theories and knowledge that should underpin an assessment of children in need and their families.  It covers child development, parenting capacity, and family and environmental factors.  It includes chapters on children with disabilities and their families, and working with minority families. 

WHO:  Professionals and agencies involved in identifying and responding to children in need.  Useful also for trainers of social and community workers.  

WHERE:  This resource contains some information which is specific to the UK and will require additions and adaptations to suit the local context.    

WHY: Provides a very useful overview of the background knowledge required of practitioners in order to be able to undertake an effective assessment of a child and his or her caregivers. 

N.B.  This framework is designed to be used alongside the following resources from the Department of Health, Department for Education and Employment, Home Office,  UK, 2000: 

  • Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families

  • Framework for the Assessment of Children and their Families: Guidance Notes and Glossary for Referral and Initial Information Record, Initial Assessment Record, Core Assessment Record

  • Referral and Initial Information Record

  •  Initial Assessment Record

  • Core Assessment Record Ages 0-2, 3-4, 5-9, 10-14, 15+

  • Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families: Family Pack of Questionnaires and Scales
