IASC Guidelines on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings

Inter-Agency Standing Committee

WHAT:  Guidelines for a multi-sectoral response to the most urgent mental health and psychosocial issues in emergency situations.  Outlines steps for effective coordination, and identification of useful and potentially harmful practices to protect and support people’s (including children’s) mental health and psychosocial well-being.

WHO:  All humanitarian actors involved in a multi-sectoral emergency response, including government authorities, international and national relief, social and community workers.

WHERE: Global relevance

WHY: Provides a concrete action guide for humanitarian workers to plan, coordinate and implement a set of minimum multi-sectoral responses.  Also includes concrete strategies for providing mental health and psychosocial support ‘before’ (emergency preparedness) and ‘after’ (comprehensive response) emergencies.

Checklist for Field Use