Protection of Persons with Specific Needs. Chapter 11 from Camp Management Tool Kit

Norwegian Refugee Council/ The Camp Management Project

WHAT: A guide for camp management agencies that provides instruction on the care and protection of all children (under 18), as well as those with specific needs, such as unaccompanied and separated children, child heads of households, children formerly associated with armed forces, and out-of-school and unemployed adolescents and youth.

WHO:  Practitioners, program managers and policy makers involved in refugee and/or IDP camp management.

WHERE:  Global relevance.

WHY:  This guide outlines the responsibilities of camp management agencies and staff in the protection of children in an IDP or refugee camp situation. It provides clear actions and a corresponding management checklist to ensure that the care and protection of all children (under 18) is mainstreamed into camp management activities, and to call attention to the special needs of unaccompanied and separated children, child heads of households, children formerly associated with armed forces, and out-of-school and unemployed adolescents and youth.

N.B. This document specifically addresses child protection issues within a camp situation. It is an excerpt (Chapter 11) of the comprehensive Camp Management Tool Kit available at:

This document should be read in conjunction with the Interagency Guiding Principles on Unaccompanied and Separated Children, International Committee of the Red Cross, 2004 (included in this toolkit).
