Keeping Children Safe. Training for Child Protection

Keeping Children Safe Coalition

WHAT:  Two documents containing training exercises and materials for staff on their responsibilities in safeguarding children.  It includes activities on childhood, understanding child abuse, recognizing and responding to child abuse concerns, and making your organization safe for children. 

WHO: Managers and trainers in organizations that require internal child protection procedures.

WHERE: Globally relevant with adaptations required to suit the local context. 

WHY: Contains a wide range of group exercises for staff to reflect on their responsibilities in relation to reporting and responding to internal and external child abuse

 N.B. These standards are part of Keeping Children Safe: Toolkit for Child Protection, Keeping Children Safe Coalition, 2006.  Please refer to the other supporting documents included in this toolkit:   
Keeping Children Safe. Standards for Child Protection Tool 1 and Keeping Children Safe. How to implement the standards Tool 2

Some of the exercises have been designed to be used with the Keeping Children Safe DVD.  This DVD is not included in this toolkit but is available from the website: