Rehabilitation of the Victims of Trafficking: A Multidisciplinary Approach

Center for the Protection of Children's Rights Foundation (CPCR), International Labor Organization (ILO)

WHAT:  Guidance on the formation of multidisciplinary teams for the provision of services to child victims of abuse and trafficking. It is based on the principle that effective rehabilitation requires systematic and coordinated services from physicians, psychologists, legal professionals, social workers and other relevant experts.

WHO:  Government officials, physicians, psychiatrists/psychologists, social workers, legal professionals and community leaders involved in the protection and rehabilitation of child victims of abuse and trafficking.

WHERE:  While intended for practitioners in Asia, this report compiles 20 years of experience with the multidisciplinary approach, and thus presents a globally relevant working model for professional collaboration.

WHY:  Provides a model for working with a group of professionals from multiple fields who can act together to investigate, protect, rehabilitate and reintegrate a child who has experienced abuse and exploitation, and who has particular care and support needs. It includes information on conducting child protection case conferences. 
