Guidelines for the Design of Centres for Street Children

Barbara Brink, UNESCO

WHAT: Ideas and country examples on how to create or transform an educational centre for children living and working on the street.  It focuses on the use of physical space in relation to offering educational, health, vocational, and recreational activities, as well as accommodation. 

WHO:  Policy makers and social and community workers working on issues relating to children living and working on the street, setting up community or vocational centers, or those wishing to transform residential institutions. 

WHERE:  This document is of global relevance and includes examples of centre projects around the world. 

WHY:  This manual contains a lot of practical information on how to develop or redesign a centre or other space to cater for the types of activities that children living or working on the street, or other vulnerable groups, are likely to need.  It gives ideas of activities as well as guidance on how to think through how to make the most of a given space.  This is likely to be helpful when considering for example, how to transform an institution into a community centre, or how to expand a drop in service to include overnight accommodation.