WHAT: A manual for starting and improving rehabilitation and recovery services for freed slaves, including child victims of slavery, trafficking, the worst forms of child labor, and forced marriages. It presents promising practices learned from the experience of rehabilitation programs around the world.
WHO: Managers and social and community workers involved in providing protection and rehabilitation services to child victims of trafficking and slavery, including the worst forms of child labor, forced labor in farming, mining, factories, private homes, commercial sexual exploitation and abuse, and forced marriages.
WHERE: Global relevance.
WHY: A useful guide for self-assessing and improving existing work, as well as planning new programs for the rehabilitation of freed child slaves. It provides a range of practical examples of care services to meet a child’s needs immediately following release or rescue from slavery, through to their preparation for social reintegration.
N.B. For a library of resources specifically on child victims of trafficking, go to www.childtrafficking.com