Alianța ONG-urilor active în domeniul Protecției Sociale a Copilului și Familiei (APSCF)

The Alliance of NGOs Active in the Field of Social Protection of Children and Families (APSCF) is a network of non-governmental organizations working to create a coherent and functional framework for the development of decision-makers, implementation mechanisms and practices, ensuring compliance and real protection of the child and the family


Where they operate

Headquarters Location

str. Serghei Lazo nr. 40, et. 2, of. 10, MD-2004

Organization Type

Main Areas of Work

What They Do


APSCF's work includes:

  • Public policies - They promote the creation of functional public policies, which ensure the respect and protection of the rights of the child and the family, and contribute to decision-making on amending legislation in the field of social protection.

  • Increasing organizational capacity - They contribute to increasing the organizational capacity of members with expertise and information resources, professional training workshops, exchange of experiences, etc.

  • Dialogue & expertise - They facilitate dialogue between those involved in the social protection of the child and the family: civil society organizations, central and local public authorities, donors, etc.

  • Monitoring & reporting - They monitor the implementation of children's rights modeled on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and report on progress.