Childline South Africa

Childline is a non-profit organization that works collectively to protect children from all forms of violence and to create a culture of children's rights in South Africa. 

Childline South Africa Logo

Where they operate

Main Areas of Work

What They Do

South Africa

Childline South Africa is committed through the support and capacity building of its affiliates, to:

  • developing appropriate social services including a 24-hour toll-free helpline and supportive therapeutic social services for children who have been victims of violence, and their families;
  • education and awareness raising programmes facilitating the prevention of violence against children;
  • networking to establish strategic alliances with the aim of advocating for policy changes that will facilitate good management practices for abused children;
  • research into violence against children within the South African context; and
  • ongoing training and development of staff members and volunteers. Childline South Africa is an affiliation of regional Childlines. Each Province in South Africa with the exception of the Northern Cape, has a regional Childline office to which the toll free line for children is directed. The National Childline Office has a coordinating and development function.