Childline Thailand Foundation

Childline Thailand Foundation (CTF) runs a nationwide 24-hour telephone helpline. Their mission is to provide children in Thailand with trusted and reliable access to protection, health and human services, as is their right, and which the Thai Government adheres to through its ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of a Child.

ChildLine is a member of the Convention on the Rights of the Child Coalition for Thailand

Hotline Number: 1387 

Where they operate

Main Areas of Work

What They Do


ChildLine responds to a variety of problems and issues faced by children in Thailand, providing assistance and connecting children and families to needed services. The call center is the direct link between children and support services. They respond to cases of abuse and neglect, school violence, birth registration and legal status of the child, school fees and financial needs for a child's education, financial needs of families to care for their children, health problems, mental health needs, and more. ChildLine provides counseling over the phone, educational support, crisis tools, and other services.