Empowering People in Care (EPIC)

EPIC's mission is to advocate for the rights of children and young adults in the care system and aftercare and enable their voice to influence positive change in their own circumstances and the care system.


Where they operate

Main Areas of Work

What They Do


EPIC is a national voluntary organisation working with and for children and young adults who are currently in care or who have experience of being in care. This includes those in residential care, foster care, relative care, hostel, high support and special care units or facilities. EPIC also work with children and young adults preparing to leave care and those in aftercare.

EPIC is the only national voluntary organisation providing independent direct 1:1 advocacy support to children and young adults in the care system; to enable them to have their views and concerns heard, to empower them to speak for themselves, to resolve the issues and problems they experience, to help them access the services and resources they need and bring about positive change in their lives and in the care system.