ISS is an international NGO that assists children and families confronted with complex social problems as a result of migration, and promotes child protection and welfare. Part of their mission is to promote the respect of the fundamental right of each child to grow up in a proper family through advocacy and research.
Where they operate
Headquarters Location
32, Quai du Seujet
1201 Geneva
Organization Type
Main Areas of Work
What They Do
ISS is an international NGO that assists children and families confronted with complex social problems as a result of migration, and promotes child protection and welfare. Part of their mission is to promote the respect of the fundamental right of each child to grow up in a proper family through advocacy and research.
Organization Resources
Cette évaluation dresse un tableau de la situation en Côte d'Ivoire des enfants handicapés privés de soins parentaux ou risquant d'être séparés de leur famille, ainsi que des options de prise en charge alternative disponibles.